The post title sort of captures my afternoon at uni. After spending the night before tinkering on my exegesis and working on getting it into some form of 'okay-ness' I got the opportunity to sit down with the lecturer and go through it page by page.
Shit. After about an hour I was beginning to doubt my ability to string together a sentence, let alone research and construct an argument. Don't get me wrong it was completely beneficial and important that I get all the kinks out now, but still it was a full on session.
I agree with most of the criticisms and it's funny how you just can't see the problems but you know something isn't right, and it isn't until someone points is out that it clicks.
So even though this afternoon was rough, it was cathartic in a way and I'm just glad that I did it sooner rather than later. Rewrites are in order and then I will put the exegesis to one side and focus on the project to get that sorted. During this Honours year it has felt at times as though I am juggling jelly underwater, but I think I will get there in the end.