Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Preliminary Visual Research

Part of the challenge with the project meets exegesis thing is that you have to get your head around the fact that you aren't doing two separate components of a written and a film. Rather you are using the written research to inform the decisions that you make about your project and help to extend the knowledge base through your findings. Once I got my head around that I found it much easier to come close to a question to focus my research that contextualises my animated film.

Another challenge for me has been to see the act of drawing as research. Visual research is going to be a large part of my film given that I am not only focusing on environments and objects in animation, but I am also setting the narrative in a real place (Ashfield/ Croydon in Sydney) and in a real time (1930s-2000). So, in the spirit of visual research I have included some of my preliminary sketches of objects and places. What I will be doing at a later date is compiling a visual comparison of different objects and places cross referenced with an era in history. This process will allow me to see patterns in visual design including common shapes and colours that are present in objects and places from cars to cups (in some form) in a particular decade.

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