Thursday, July 5, 2012

Animatic: A Work in Progress

I know I haven't blogged in awhile, but I have continued to work on my holiday schedule to complete as much as possible.

Not sure if I'm Sleepy or the ass pulling the cart >.>

After the animation tests I have spent time revising the animatic and further reducing the role of the character in the film. This process started by printing out the storyboards and putting them on a massive pin board, a real one not a virtual one lol- old school. Once they were all in order I went through them and looked for double up or unnecessary shots. I then let it sit for a day or two before going through the same editing process with a fellow artist. I ended up knocking out at least a third of the boards I had already drawn; I suppose animators with more experience wouldn't make that mistake, but I think the film flows better without the extra content. 

Once I had the basic storyboards I worked in ToonBoom Animate Pro to create an animatic that would allow me to see the position of backgrounds in relation to potential camera movement and character positioning. The animatic is block animation and the transitions in the backgrounds have only been indicated by crude instant wipes- these are not indicative of the final piece. I included a scratch sound test as well, choosing a few key sounds that are an idea of what I want to include in the final.

Here's the animatic as it stands at the moment:

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