Monday, August 27, 2012

Break Through

Have been working this week largely on the essays for SIGGRAPH and the exegesis. My plan is to try and get that side of it pretty much under control because I know the project itself will dominate my time over the next two months. TWO MONTHS? Is that it?! Yep everything due on the 24 October. Now is the perfect time to panic.

Good news though I did discover Google SketchUp today, free online program that allows you to model (very crude) 3D models. This is going to be perfect for me in the line drafting phase of the project. Much like the miniature hand made models of Claude Coats, this program will allow me to view all angles of a scene without having to constantly redraw it from a different perspective. And on the subject of perspective, it will help me out a great deal, especially as I am gearing perspective for the sake of the viewer and not character.

Here are some basic ones I did today, just to give me an idea and the best thing is that I can use the same models for a number of different scenes.

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